Tuesday 10 August 2010

Age is Just a State of Mind!

It’s no fun growing old, you know.
Your joints seize up and creak.
You can remember what happened in years gone by,
But not what you did last week!

You once had luscious brunette locks.
They’re thinner now, and grey.
Climbing the stairs was a doddle back then.
Now, it takes you all day!

The figure you were so proud of
Is rotund now, and sags.
Your face is all lined and wrinkled,
And your blood-shot eyes have bags.

Your tummy is now a pot-belly.
Your legs have varicose veins,
And the arthritis in your elbows and knees
Plays up whenever it rains.

But your soul is as youthful as ever,
Your spirit still as sprightly.
So you count all your blessings daily...
And take your tablets nightly!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree. My boyfriend is 16 years older than I am. And we get along fine. He's immature for his age,I'm too mature for mine. Hahaha. That was a joke. I hope he doesn't leave me.

