Wednesday 5 December 2012

Santa's Good Will Message

Jolly old Santa checks his list,
And, if you've been good and not bad,
He's gonna make sure that this Christmas
Is the best that you've ever had.

The elves have been busy preparing
The right present for each girl and boy.
The gifts are piled high, and the reindeer
Are stomping their hooves for sheer joy.

Nighttime is now fast approaching
So Santa jumps onto his sleigh.
A slap of the reins and they're racing,
Then flying - up, up and away!

He soars off into the night sky
To visit you all, far and near,
Delivering bundles of goodies,
Spreading happiness and good cheer.

Then, when old Santa's job is done,
There's one thing still left to do.
Here's Santa's special greeting
To each and every one of you.

May your Christmas time be joyful,
Crammed full of goodness and light.
May the year ahead be prosperous
And your future be filled with delight.