Saturday 31 July 2010

A Merry Dance

I never once suspected
On the day we said "I do"
That you might be really saying
"I'll do what I want to do!"

You started coming home late.
Work commitments, so you said.
But the hairs caught in your collar
Didn't come from your wife's head!

And the lipstick that I saw there
Isn't my favourite hue.
The perfume that still lingered,
That's someone else's, too.

So I made a firm decision
To find out where you meet.
I'd follow you to her doorstep.
Catch you being indiscreet.

I waited in the street below,
Saw your shadows on the blind,
Your bodies twined together.
I thought I'd lose my mind!

So I walked up to her front door
And was just about to knock,
When I noticed the little plaque
That was nailed above the lock.

It read "I've got the patience
If you'd care to take a chance.
Come to me for salsa lessons.
Let me teach you how to dance!"

Suddenly it all made sense!
You'd mentioned that, since school,
You'd felt you'd like to learn to dance
But were afraid to feel a fool.

It's me that feels a fool right now,
A fool to doubt your love.
I left the building quietly,
Thanking the lord above,

That you, my love, will never know
How close I'd come making
The biggest mistake of my whole life!
I can't stop my hands from shaking!

I'll go home now and cook up a storm
Prepare your favourite meal.
To show you how much I appreciate
The way you make me feel!

And as the years roll on and on,
I'll be the perfect wife.
I promise to make you happy,
And to trust you my whole life!

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