That there's someone who knows
All the things that have plagued you,
Your highs and your lows.
It speaks understanding:
That you're not alone,
And you're not going through all
These trials on your own.
A hug says "I hear you!
I'm here in your lack!
When you're feeling burdened,
I've got your back!"
A hug is a gesture
Saying you have a friend
That you can count on
When at your wit's end.
A hug is important
For both body and soul.
It heals and it comforts
Until you feel whole.
But the thing about hugs,
(And you'll find this is true)
When you give one away
It comes back to you!
You'll feel all the cares
Of the world disappear,
And your heart will be lighter,
Your mind be more clear.
So next time you see
Someone down or depressed,
Just give them a hug
And you both will be blessed!
The whole world needs a hug!
It's a hard, scary place.
But God gave us hugs
So we'd feel His good Grace!