Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Resolution Revolution

My New Year's resolution
Is not to lose some weight.
It's not to get more healthy,
Or to get my head on straight.
It's not to kick some habit,
Or to get a new one started,
Nor be less absent-minded,
Nor even less half-hearted.
My New Year's resolution
Needs a bit more inspiration,
So it won't be "give up chocolate"
Or some such abnegation.
I've thought of all the years gone by,
And resolutions shattered,
And decided that sincerity
Was the only thing that mattered.
So considering the past few years
I won't make the same mistakes.
It's got to last me fifty-two weeks,
And I've got to up the stakes.
So here's my resolution,
Though it may seem strange to you.
I resolve on being just myself!
To my own self be true!

Friday, 20 December 2024

Happy Heavenly Christmas

It's Christmas once again, mum,
And I'm missing you no end.
I know you're in a better place
But you were my best friend.

I treasure all our memories,
And the happy thoughts they bring,
But I'd dearly love to see your face
And hear you laugh and sing.

Thoughout the year I find myself
Thinking of things we've done.
The times we shared together.
Not all great, but mostly fun!

But this season is the toughest time,
And hardest on the heart!
We lose a little of ourselves
When our cherished ones depart.

They say that time can heal all wounds,
But is that really true?
Or are we accustomed to the pain?
Do we smile and push on through?

Oh, mostly I'm okay, mum,
But sometimes it still pains.
The grief just catches in my throat
And I'm crying once again.

No need to be concerned, mum!
It's just the time of year!
I'll still enjoy this Christmas
And I'll drink a cup of cheer!

I'll sing our favourite carols!
Binge on turkey and mince pies!
I'll watch our favourite movies!
Pull the crackers! Claim the prize!

So have a wonderful time, mum,
With the angels up above.
Wish Jesus Happy Birthday
And give Him all my love!

Happy heavenly Christmas, mum, with love from me!