Sunday, 20 March 2016

A Glutton's Lament

Why did I have that last slice of cake
When I'd already eaten enough?
I'm doubled up now with acute tummy ache
And I'm feeling so horribly rough!

Why, when I'd had much more than my share
Did I wolf down that trifle so quick?
I'd eaten my meal, and the leftovers there.
Now I think that I'm gonna be sick!

Why, oh why, did I have treacle tart
With custard piled on inches high!
My stomach's so full, I can hardly breath
And I'm sure that I'm going to die!!!

Was it only last week that I said I would quit:
I'd give up the binge-ing and diet?
Well, I'm going to start now, to get myself fit!!


Next week, I'll certainly try it!!!!

Spring Fever!

The days are getting warmer.
Winter has given way.
Leaf-buds begin to open,
And daffodils, to sway

Birds are preening feathers
And looking for a mate -
Busy building nests again,
New life to accommodate.

The atmosphere is thrilling,
Full of expectation!
Spring infects our jaded hearts
And results in jubilation

Hope is rising on the breeze
Of longer days and sunshine,
Of children playing in the park
And washing, flapping on the line.

I really love this time of year
My second-favourite season
Because, for me, it won't last long!
Soon I'll be snufflin', coughin' and sneezin'!!!

.........Bloomin' hayfever!!!

(In case you were wondering - Autumn's my favourite season!)